
Thoughts and ideas from no 
Everyday is a winding road
April 8, 2019 at 12:00 AM
by no 
kelli tungay

This is a sample blog post. After this paragraph you will see nonsensical-looking text called "lorem ipsum" text. "Lorem ipsum" text is placeholder text that publishers and graphic designers commonly use to visually represent text in a specific layout or design before the final text is ready. This text looks like Latin because it is based on a 1st-century BC Latin text that was subsequently altered to make it nonsensical Latin.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in nisl maximus lorem ornare condimentum vitae sed sem. Donec neque magna, sagittis at lorem ut, placerat porta nibh. Cras fringilla malesuada tincidunt. Suspendisse sagittis metus vel augue facilisis, id sollicitudin est luctus. Nunc sollicitudin diam lectus, non fermentum felis imperdiet sit amet. Mauris consectetur viverra libero id aliquet. Nulla massa tellus, faucibus at dapibus id, hendrerit vel lacus. Suspendisse est erat, interdum eget tortor vel, vestibulum varius sem. Etiam venenatis imperdiet magna, nec congue lorem convallis non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum viverra dui sit amet eros fermentum, quis vehicula ex sagittis. Quisque hendrerit dignissim ex, a aliquam lacus rhoncus non. Praesent et posuere tortor. Nullam in arcu nec purus consectetur cursus. Quisque quis imperdiet risus. Quisque vel tempus lacus.

Duis nec rutrum erat. Curabitur a urna orci. Etiam a consectetur orci, faucibus auctor est. Etiam risus ex, consectetur ac diam eget, lobortis eleifend ante. Nullam posuere, arcu at accumsan auctor, risus eros gravida enim, quis finibus dui urna vitae tortor. Praesent dignissim placerat magna, viverra dapibus tellus vehicula ut. Suspendisse quis massa rutrum, lacinia erat pretium, vulputate justo. Nullam mattis congue mauris, vel eleifend leo eleifend eget. Proin neque lectus, fermentum eu quam vestibulum, vestibulum semper felis. Morbi diam velit, pharetra eget efficitur nec, tincidunt non purus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi ut nulla nisi. Sed orci ligula, finibus sed iaculis vel, ullamcorper vel urna. Donec pellentesque tristique metus eget vulputate. Integer lobortis, tellus vestibulum malesuada tristique, ligula diam blandit justo, a scelerisque mauris elit eu justo.

Aliquam feugiat fringilla faucibus. Curabitur accumsan neque nec dignissim egestas. Etiam viverra interdum ante. Aenean blandit lectus vel commodo mollis. Nullam pretium ornare justo, vitae pharetra nisi feugiat non. Ut porta sapien vestibulum tincidunt condimentum. Vivamus tempus a ipsum semper tristique. Ut est ligula, dictum lacinia dui nec, molestie suscipit dui. Donec consectetur, dui id consequat vestibulum, dui ipsum dapibus enim, a egestas diam nisl et felis. Mauris tempus ex hendrerit, rutrum neque nec, elementum sapien. In molestie condimentum quam quis hendrerit. Suspendisse vel metus vel odio ornare semper. Ut a urna ut purus eleifend facilisis.

Pellentesque nec urna nunc. Quisque a justo eget enim aliquet eleifend at in mi. Quisque hendrerit, sem id molestie dignissim, diam nunc commodo justo, a accumsan velit urna at sem. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent fringilla elit magna, nec egestas felis faucibus sed. Sed vel ipsum ipsum. Nam egestas gravida leo eu fermentum. Fusce eu diam eget magna consectetur tristique. Aliquam venenatis iaculis consectetur. Mauris sodales nisl sed ligula sodales, a cursus sapien molestie. Donec dapibus, ante nec dictum aliquet, leo ante dictum ligula, nec cursus lacus nibh sit amet nisl. Nullam sed dui elit. Suspendisse tincidunt, felis id accumsan condimentum, nunc arcu pretium magna, vitae rutrum ipsum dolor porttitor erat.

Nam imperdiet massa nec orci tincidunt aliquam. Cras et purus dapibus, tristique elit non, posuere ante. Donec auctor fringilla urna, id porttitor risus pretium in. Quisque molestie, dolor lacinia bibendum volutpat, neque libero bibendum ex, vel convallis dolor quam at nibh. Mauris nibh dui, convallis vel suscipit nec, porta nec libero. Etiam sit amet ullamcorper lectus, a mattis magna.

Blocks and why we avoid our work?
July 26, 2019 at 12:00 AM
by THRIVE Creative
gambler 94

My husband used to run the The Cape Cod Theatre Project where he helped develop more than fifty plays that went on the be produced on Broadway, Off Broadway and around the world.

He used to say that there are two kinds of writers, the ones who write and the ones that need to be locked in a room in order to write. Unfortunately, most of the time, I belong to the second group. I used to avoid my work whenever I could. I can spend days on end googling and on Facebook along with so many of my friends. So why is it that as that us artists who want nothing more than to create, often find ourselves avoiding our work at all costs? What can we do about it?

FEAR looms large over our work. But what kind of fear and what can we do in order to move forward? After many days of procrastination and avoidance, I was finally able to pinpoint some of these fears and learn how to tackle them.

FEAR OF FAILURE: usually goes something like this: I'm not good enough, or I won't know what to write or paint or say or I'm terrible, I suck, so why even begin?

FEAR OF REJECTION: similar to fear of failure but has to do with others and the outside world. “They” will hate this. “They” will make fun of me. “They” won't receive my work. “They” will...reject me.

FEAR OF LONLINESS: Something about making art really brings us face to face with our inherent loneliness, our isolation and also, perhaps, our mortality. Who wants to face that? I'd rather go on Facebook instead.

So, we've named a few monsters but what do we do about them? There is no one size fits all answer but here are some tools that I have seen work:

PERMISSION: One of the antidotes to the fear of failure is permission to fail. Yes, it sounds counter-intuitive but giving ourselves permisison to fail actually allows us to try, to explore, to learn and to grow. One of the best playwriting exercises I’ve ever been given was to write the worst play ever. I've heard some incredible writing come to life when people allowed themselves to truly fail.

PLAY: Sort of similar to PERMISSION but can we just take a few brushes and some paint and go wild? Can we play a few notes and see what happens? Have you ever seen a child create? They have no end result in mind, they're just improvising, you know, like Picasso or Matisse.

SUPPORT: We all know the myth of the lonely crazy artist (usually starving too) but what if we didn't have to go at it alone? What if we could talk about our process with others? What if we had allies and believing mirrors to use Julia Cameron’s term? What if we could ask for help and receive it? What if there was instruction and guidance and even fun?

COMMUNITY: It is my experience that artists thrive in community yet so many of us are isolated and stuck. Communities nourish artists, it's no accident that productions and shows quickly turn into "families." We breathe better in community, we get out of our heads in community, we find ourselves and our place. Whether a class, a program, a project or a group, communities help take courageous creative steps, communities cheer us on.